Salida, CO, 1999-present
Chief planner, designer, and engineer of a plan funded by the Arkansas River Trust and City of Salida. The design included natural-appearing whitewater improvements to restore the river and provide economic and recreational benefits to the downtown area. A key aspect of the project was the whitewater course at the site of the longest-running whitewater kayak race in North America, FIBArk. The project hosted the 2009 US Freestyle kayaking nationals. The overwhelming success of the Salida Whitewater Park has led the City of Salida to select REP to design and construct innovative river features, strategic bank restoration, access improvements, trails and now a significant trail system expansion
Golden, CO, 1996-present
Chief planner, designer, and engineer for this groundbreaking river park. Located in downtown Golden on Clear Creek, it included state-of-the-art whitewater improvements, stream bank restoration and access, and overall site improvements. The first phase of this project was completed and dedicated in Spring 1998. A second phase was completed in 2004 and additional features were added through the spring of 2010. The Golden Whitewater Park has been so successful the City of Golden selected REP to design and construct an expansion to the park. REP has been pioneering wave design for the next generation of river users. The park expansion features REP’s advanced wave design, strategic bank restoration and access improvements.
Montrose, CO, 2010-2015
This project (dedicated May 2015) has already become an incredible success for Montrose and the surrounding area. It has transformed a neglected stretch of the Uncompahgre River to include six state-of-the-art whitewater features, instream fishing improvements as well as riverside trails, bank access and improvements. Montrose has already held its first annual whitewater festival in August 2015 and it was a resounding success. This was the first of its kind inset plate design that provides adjacent fish passage. This unique design created waves for stand up board surfing and kayaking and other instream recreational uses
Reno, NV. 1999-2004.
Chief planner, designer, and engineer of a plan funded by the Nevada Commission on Tourism to restore and integrate the Truckee River into the urban fabric of downtown Reno. Key aspects of this project at Wingfield Park include a whitewater slalom course and riverside trails, plazas, and esplanades which mesh with in-stream improvements and adjacent commercial activity.
Buena Vista, CO, 2005-2010, 2012-2015
Provided design and construction services for this whitewater park that was constructed along a new residential development. Additional phases have included new river features that are pioneering the way waves are designed and are tailored to stand up board surfers. REP completed the modification of an existing active diversion dam for boating bypass along this heavily commercially rafted stretch of the Arkansas River including state-of-the-art upstream fishway.

Brennan's Wave Project
Missoula, MO, 2002-2006, 2012-present
Completed the design, permitting and construction for whitewater improvements on the Clark Fork River. Construction was completed in spring 2006. US National Freestyle Team selection event was held at this site in July of 2010. In addition due to the success of this project REP is working on the design of MAX wave, a state-of-the-art whitewater feature on the Clark Fork River.
Boulder, CO, 1990-2010, 2013-2014
Obtained a grant from the City of Boulder Parks Department to construct a whitewater kayak course on Boulder Creek. The project included reconstruction of a 1/4 mile section of the Creek to create a series of small drops and pools that allows boating at very low flows. The project also included construction of 25 semi-permanent slalom gates. The overall project is a $3 million greenway and urban trail system. After the historic floods of 2013 that struck Boulder REP was there conducting instream and streamside repairs and reconstruction to return Boulder Creek to the recreational amenity cherished by residents and visitors alike.
San Marcos Whitewater Park and Trail System
San Marcos, TX, 2006-present
Completed design and construction services for safety, fish passage, recreational whitewater improvements, strategic bank access and restoration to the Rio Vista Dam on the San Marcos River. Following this successful river improvements project REP has been retained by both The City of San Marcos and Texas State University or the river trail planning and design for the San Marcos River Trail system.
Riverscape RiverRun
Dayton, OH. 2010-2017.
REP was the lead planner, designer and engineer of record on this dam removal project in downtown Dayton, Ohio. The project replaced a dangerous low head dam with navigation channels and whitewater features in the Great Miami River. This $4million project involved coordination with multiple agencies in a heavily urban setting.
Springfield, OH. 2004-2011.
Lead engineer and planner for safety, navigability and recreational whitewater improvements to Buck Creek. The first two of four dam modifications were completed in May of 2010. The remainder of the sites were completed in 2011.

Bow River Weir Modifications
Calgary, Canada, 2001-2011, 2013-present
Completed a conceptual plan, physical modeling and design for the fish passage and safety/whitewater improvements components of modifications to this diversion dam on the Bow River. This is the largest in-stream whitewater park in North America. After a devastating flood of 2013 REP has been retained to provide design services for revising existing drops and the design of a major new side navigation channel including numerous new drops, river features and bank improvements.

Lyons River Park and Greenway Improvements
Lyons, CO, 1989-2013
REP has been retained over the many years completing comprehensive lists of river trails, bridges, whitewater and fishing improvements as well as riverside parks access and restoration. Obtained a major grant to restore a segment of the South St. Vrain River, including stream habitat improvements, a pedestrian trail, bridge, and pocket parks. The Lyons Outdoor Games is hosted within these parks and the area is now enjoyed by hundreds of people each year. Key projects include the whitewater parks at Meadow Park, Bohn Park, Black Bear Hole, A-Hole, October Hole. After the devastating floods of 2013 Lyons selected REP to conduct hydraulic modeling of the floodway to aid the city in assessing flood impacts and obtaining restoration funding.
Yampa River Whitewater Improvements Project
Steamboat Springs, CO, present
Completed conceptual planning, design and construction of whitewater improvements on the Yampa River. Includes dynamic whitewater features and continuous bike trail. REP has been retained to complete design and permitting for instream and streamside improvements at A-Hole and Toots Hole along the wildly popular trail system and river corridor.

Arkansas Fish Passage and Whitewater Safety Improvements
Pueblo, CO. 2001-2005.
Chief planner and designer this $1.2million whitewater park. The project included the modification of a 12-foot diversion dam into a passable whitewater rapid. The resulting rapid provides whitewater that is passable to fish and is a safety improvement for human boat traffic while maintaining head for the existing diversion. Chief Engineer Gary Lacy also worked with the City in an effort to establish a water right for this facility.

US National Whitewater Center
Charlotte, NC. 2003-2006.
REP was the engineer for this pumped, artificial, whitewater park which is home to the US National Canoe & Kayak Team. This $37million facility is the first of its kind in the US and involves pumping 1200cfs continuously through three channels.
Cedar River Recreation and Habitat Improvements
Charles City, Iowa, 2009-2012
Completed Conceptual, Preliminary, and Final Design for a dam removal project. REP acted as the chief planner and designer for this $685,000 project. The project includes the modification of a 6-foot low head dam originally created for aesthetic purposes. The project is slated to be the first whitewater park in Iowa and has paved the way with DNR Iowa Great Places funding. REP worked collaboratively with the Iowa DNR fisheries and floodplain divisions during the permitting process. The five structures included in the design have cutting edge fish passage technology designed by REP and approved by the Iowa DNR. Construction is underway presently
Longmont Whitewater Park
Longmont, CO, 2003-present
Chief planner, designer, and engineer for this river park. REP has worked with the City’s Master Planning committee to integrate a whitewater park design with the City’s greenways system. Work included preliminary design, cost and quantity estimates and work with the CWCB to establish a water right for this community park. After the floods of September 2013 REP was selected to administer its innovative design techniques to the Dickens River Park project.
Green River Diversion Dam Modifications
Green River, UT. 2014-present.
The Green River Diversion (Tusher Dam) was the last in-stream barrier to both paddlers and fish on the 400 mile stretch of the Green River downstream of the Flaming Gorge Dam. REP designed the boating bypass and fish passage improvements as part of a major reconstruction of the failing 750ft “arc-shaped crest” weir length dam, improving public safety and providing passage for endangered fish species while maintaining water diversion for hydroelectric and irrigation. This innovative project demonstrates that a properly designed dam modification can provide benefits to commonly competing interests, including recreation, public safety, fish passage, irrigation, and power generation.
Gunnison River Whitewater Park
Gunnison, CO. 1999-2011
Chief planner, designer, and engineer for this $200,000 river park. The project included state-of-the-art whitewater improvements, stream bank restoration and access, and overall site improvements. The first phase of this project was completed in the Fall of 2002. The most recent phase was completed in 2011.
Siloam Springs Whitewater Park
Siloam Springs, AR, 2009-2014
Completed conceptual and preliminary design plan for in-stream whitewater park on the Illinois River at Fisher Ford. Final design, permitting, cost estimating and construction services for the first whitewater park in Arkansas. Extensive bank and access improvements, two river features, trails, parking, restrooms and a climbing wall. This park has been a huge success and discussion is underway for future similar river improvements in the area
North Platte River Whitewater Improvements Project
Casper, WY. 2002-2005.
Completed bank stabilization, river restoration and whitewater improvements on the North Platte River at the abandoned Casper Refinery for this $1.5 million project. Funding for this major oil-cleanup effort was provided by BP/Amoco. The project included a dam removal and cooperation between several agencies.
Blue River Whitewater Park
Breckenridge, CO. 2000-2002.
Chief planner, designer and engineer on this $300,000 river park. This project was unique in that, though the channel existed prior to the project, there was no river there. The Blue River was restored to its natural channel, and more than 16 structures were included for both slalom and freestyle. This park is tied in with an existing pond and wrapped around the City's recreational center in a project that combines the stunning architecture of Breckenridge with the natural beauty of a restored river park.
Nolan Creek Whitewater and Safety Improvements
Belton, TX, 2010-2015
Chief planner and designer of this $500,000 access and restoration project. The project included complete stream channel reconstruction, navigational enhancements, amphitheater, downtown plaza area, handicap accessibility as well as dangerous bridge removal and restoration. This project has been a catalyst for downtown redevelopment including the renovation of a historic cotton gin into a riverside restaurant.
Saccarappa Falls River Improvements
Westbrook, ME, 2011-present
REP has been retained to complete design services for navigation, recreation and fish passage improvements as part of a major dam removal project on the Presumpscot River.
Colorado River Whitewater Improvements, Las Colonias Park
Grand Junction, CO, 2014-present
Completed a conceptual plan and cost estimate identifying opportunities for recreational whitewater features in the Colorado River to compliment the riverside park redevelopment. The final design is a current project.
Port Jervis Whitewater Park
Port Jervis, NY, 2012-2015
Completed design and permitting for the proposed whitewater improvements on the Delaware River.
Trinity River Dam Modification Project
Ft. Worth, TX, 2002-2012
Completed design and construction of numerous dam modifications and navigability improvements to existing low head dams on Trinity River creating a continuous paddle trail.
Colorado River and Roaring Fork River Trail System and River Improvements
Glenwood Springs, CO, 1991-2014
Over numerous years REP has been retained to complete whitewater park conceptual plans, river trail systems, and masterplans in Glenwood Springs. In 2011 REP was selected out of a highly qualified group of firms including the whitewater feature designer to upgrade and modify the Colorado River Whitewater Activity Area. Then in 2014 REP was once again selected to design creative and attractive river access improvements including boat launch redesign in Two Rivers Park and Veltus Park as well as for the new hot springs development near Two Rivers Park.
Turkey River Improvements
Coralville, Iowa City, Iowa, 2010
REP has been retained by the City to complete feasibility level work on the removal/modification of an existing low head dam within the city limits. The project may include a riverside greenway, infrastructure and residential development, and general urban renewal.
Blackfoot River Diversion Boater Bypass
Hamilton, Montana, 2009-2010
Whitewater bypass design andconstruction phase services at the site of an active irrigation diversion.
Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area Diversion Improvements
Arkansas River Valley, CO, 2008-present
Chief Engineer on this, Colorado Water Conservation Board, funded plan to improve navigation and safety through four existing irrigation diversion structures. The Upper Arkansas River is the most rafted river in the US.
Hamilton Dam Improvements
Flint, MI, 2008-present
Conceptual design and planning for safety, environmental and recreational improvements at the Hamilton Dam on the Flint River.
Little Salmon River Whitewater Improvements
Riggins, ID, 2008-2010
Conceptual planning through preliminary design and permitting for in-stream improvements to the Little Salmon River in Riggins.
Mad River Whitewater Park
Dayton, OH, 2007-present
Lead Engineer for conceptual design, engineeringand permitting on this whitewater park project. Includes whitewater, trail, access and habitat improvements in Eastwood MetroPark.Add Description here
Deschutes River Improvements
Bend, OR. 2006-2010
Planner/Engineer for a feasibility study that analyzed a series of low head dams on the Deschutes River. Conceptual and preliminary design were completed for the Colorado Street Dam. This project is a comprehensive project including the removal of an extremely dangerous instream river hazard. Project components included a pedestrian bridge replacement, multiple river channels for recreation/navigation, whitewater features and fish passage.
Kent RiverEdge Park
Kent, OH, 2007-2008
Planner/Designer for access and whitewater improvements on the Cuyahoga River near the historic Kent Dam.
Saskatoon Whitewater Improvements Project
Saskatoon, Canada. 2006.
Completed a conceptual plan for a dam modification and safety improvements on the South Saskatoon River.
Oklahoma City Whitewater Improvements
Oklahoma City, OK. 2006.
Completed a conceptual plan for a dam modification and safety/whitewater improvements as well as a pumped whitewater park.
Salmon River Whitewater Park
Salmon, ID. 2005-present.
Completed a conceptual plan for a Whitewater Park on the Salmon River. Preliminary design and permitting underway in the Fall of 2010.
Rock Park Whitewater Park
Sparks, NV. 2005-2008.
Hydraulic design and construction administration for this whitewater park on the Truckee River downstream of Reno, Nevada
Fulton Diversion on the Chewucks River
Winthrop, WA. 2005-2006.
Completed conceptual planning for whitewater improvements
Whitewater Park on the Yakima and Naches Rivers
Yakima, WA. 2005.
Completed conceptual planning for whitewater improvements.
Frisco Whitewater Park
Frisco, CO. 2005-2006.
Completed design for whitewater improvements in Ten Mile Creek.
Brisbane Whitewater Park
Brisbane, Australia. 2005.
Completed a conceptual plan for 3 whitewater sites on the Brisbane River.
Barren River Whitewater Park
Bowling Green, TN. 2005-2006.
Worked with the US Army Corps of Engineers to complete a conceptual plan for whitewater improvements on the Barren River.
Carson River Recreation Plan
Carson City, NV. 2005-2006
Completed a Master Plan for modifications to 3 dams on the Carson River.
Ouachita River Whitewater Improvements
Malvern, AR. 2005-2006.
Completed a conceptual planand design for whitewater improvements on the Ouachita River.
Spokane Whitewater Park
Spokane, WA. 2005.
Completed a conceptual plan and preliminary design for whitewater improvements on the Spokane River.
Rutherfork Creek Whitewater Safety Evaluation Project
Rutherford, British Columbia. 2005-2006.
Provided safety modification recommendations for an existing Whitewater Park.
Blue River Whitewater Park
Silverthorne, CO. 2005.
Completed a conceptual plan and RICD application for the Blue River Whitewater Park.
Bow Bridge Drop Structure
Hadley, NY. 2005.
Completed a conceptual plan for a Whitewater Park on the Sacandaga River.
Nantahala Whitewater Enhancements
Bryson City, NC. 2005.
Completed a conceptual plan for enhance ments to the Nantahala River Whitewater Park.
Rio Salado Whitewater Park
Tempe, AZ. 2004-2005.
Completed a conceptual plan for a pumped whitewater course.
San Juan River Restoration Project
Pagosa Springs, CO. 2004-2009.
Completed the San Juan River Master Plan, including design and construction of whitewater improvements. The first feature was completed in the spring of 2008.
Oil Creek Whitewater Park
Oil City, PA. 2004-2005.
Completed a feasibility study, conceptual design and cost estimate for a large in-stream project on the Allegany River.
Black River Whitewater Improvements Project
Watertown, NY. 2004-2006.
Completed a conceptual plan for whitewater improvements and river access, along with a Master Plan for the Black River. Completed acces trail through a cliff band to the world famous Route 3 Wave.
Colorado River Park Improvements
Newcastle, CO. 2004.
Completed a Master Plan for whitewater improvements on the Colorado River in Newcastle.
Rogue River Whitewater Improvements Project
Grant's Pass, OR. 2004.
Completed conceptual planning for whitewater improvements on the Rogue River.
Greenhouse Park Whitewater Improvements
Johnstown, PA. 2003-2007.
Provided design and construction services for the completion of a whitewater park on Stony Creek in Johnstown. This park included extra attention to handicap river access.
Terrant County Water District Low-Head Dam Refit
Ft. Worth, TX. 2003.
As special consultants to the water district, REP helped to rebuild three existing low-head dam structures. Design improvements included the re-shaping of the dams in order to create usable whitewater features and improved boat passage while maintaining head and capacity in the waterway.
Price Stubb Dam Modification
Grand Junction, CO. 2000-2006.
Completed a conceptual plan and cost estimate for modifications to the Price Stubb Dam on the Colorado River. The design incorporated endangered fish passage and whitewater safety and navigability improvements.
Boise River Whitewater Park
Boise, ID. 2003.
Completed a conceptual design for a river recreation park in Boise. The design includes in-stream modifications for a slalom course, freestyle features and recreational amenities. Also included was an intricate lakes waterway system that could become a one of a kind public park.
Oroville Whitewater Park
Oroville, CA. 2003.
Completed a preliminary design of this multi-million dollar facility in cooperation with Kennedy-Jenks Engineering. This park boasts more than 90 feet of drop that circumnavigates a massive diversion in the Feather River.
Big Wood River
Sun Valley, ID. 2003.
Completed a preliminary design and cost estimate for a whitewater |park on the Big Wood River.
Carbondale Whitewater Park
Carbondale, CO. 2003.
Worked with a local planner to investigate the feasibility and prepare preliminary designs for a river corridor gateway park for the Town of Carbondale. Plans included modifications to an existing slalom course and the intertwining of new riverside walkways with new playboating and recreational boating amenities.
Asheville Whitewater Park
Asheville, NC. 2003.
Worked with a local foundation to create a preliminary design and cost and quantity estimate for a whitewater park on the French Broad River.
Trinity River Whitewater Park
Dallas, TX. 2002-2005.
Completed Master Planning for river reconstruction,restoration, trails, greenways, and flood improvements. Included a separate whitewater channel and in-stream whitewater feature.
Colorado River Whitewater Park Conceptual Plan
Glenwood Springs, CO. 2002-2003.
Completed a conceptual plan for improvements to the Colorado River and river trail system in Glenwood Springs.
Fall River Whitewater Park
Estes Park, CO. 2002-2003.
Designed and oversaw the construction of whitewater improvements, an amphitheater, new walkways and an enhanced riparian zone in downtown Estes Park, just outside of the Rocky Mountain National Park. Work included numerous whitewater structures designed for playboating and enhanced by recommendations from the Division of Fish and Wildlife to include dramatic fish habitat improvements.
Fox River Whitewater Park
Evanston, IL. 2002.
Created preliminary designs for safety and whitewater improvements to an existing low-head dam.
South Platte River Whitewater Park
Denver, CO. 1999.
Chief planner, designer, and engineer for a whitewater park in the downtown Denver river corridor. This project was part of a major park construction, which includes revisions to existing flood-control drop structures.
Colorado River Whitewater Park
Palisade, CO. 2000-2006.
Completed a conceptual plan and cost estimate for improvements to the Colorado River. The design incorporated endangered fish passage and whitewater safety and navigability improvements.
Animas River Whitewater Improvements Project
Farmington, NM. 1999-2000.
Chief planner, designer, and engineer for this $100,000 project, which included modification of an unsightly diversion structure made of dumped concrete and rubble. The river restoration included the diversion of water using naturally appearing features, which provide in-stream habitat for endangered fish species.
Kern River Whitewater Improvements Project
Bakersfield, CA. 1998-2004.
Chief planner, designer, and Engineer. Project included investigation and feasibility analysis of two whitewater park sites, each of which will feature slalom course and fish habitat improvements. One site was a candidate for the Year 2000 National Whitewater Championships.
"Punt the Creek" Project, Platte River Greenway Foundation
Denver, CO. 1994-1999.
Chief design engineerfor a unique tourism attraction for downtown Denver's Cherry Creek. The project features Venetian-style gondolas and rotating dams and locks, together with flood erosion protection. The project is the winner of the1996 Downtown Denver Annual Award.
Santa Fe River Corridor Master Plan
City of Santa Fe, NM. 1995.
Chief planner and overall project coordinator for this plan, which combined flood control, environmental restoration, a continuous trail system, and recreational improvements within the river corridor. The plan, which was developed in conjunction with the River Task Force and recommended $8 million in improvements, was approved unanimously by the Planning Commission and City Council. Over $2 million was budgeted for first-phase construction.
Greenways Master Plan
Cheyenne, WY. 1991-1992.
Principal team member for the creation of a comprehensive greenways plan for the Cheyenne area. This plan was completed, adopted by the City, and is currently being implemented.
Goose Creek Boate Chute Feasibility Study
Sheridan, WY. 1992.
Produced alternative evaluation for various boat chute configurations for a dangerous drop structure.
Roaring Fork River Trail and Whitewater Course
City of Aspen, CO. 1990-1992.
Provided planning and design services, including site planning and design, environmental restoration and resource protections. Provided cost estimates, bid documents, and construction supervision. Also elicited public input, secured local funding, and obtained approvals from local, state and federal officials.
Clear Creek Master Plan
City of Golden, CO. 1987.
City of Golden, CO, 1987. Developed a Master Plan for the two mile Clear Creek Corridor as it passes through academic, residential, urban and industrial areas of downtown Golden. Trail, in-channel, public facility, and park improvements have become part of the revitalized area of the Creek.
Boat Landing and Pocket Park
Salida, CO. 1986-1987.
Design engineer and project manager for an intownriver boat landing and mini whitewater park on the Arkansas River. The project was built with a grant from the Coors Company.
Arkansas River Boat Chute at the Mt. Shavano Fish Hatchery
Salida, CO. 1986-1987.
Completed design and construction of a navigable dam bypass on the Arkansas River near Salida, Colorado. This assignment from the Colorado Division of Wildlife included final design, implementation, and coordination of State and local agencies. The design team helped to secure a state energy impact grant for the chute. Related boating access improvements were also included in this project.
Union Avenue Whitewater Boating Bypass
Denver, CO. 1985-1989.
Designer for the $1 million whitewater boating bypass project on the South Platte River at Union Avenue. This assignment from the Colorado Water Conservation Board included performance evaluations for multiple design alternatives, design, and the obtainment of approvals from many jurisdictions.
South Platte River Master Plan
Urban Drainage District, Denver, CO. 1983.
Provided resource inventory, input solicitation, planning, preliminary design and cost estimates for construction and maintenance of parks, natural areas, bike and pedestrian paths, access points, river improvements, and fish-wildlife habitat improvements along the South Platte River.
Miscellaneous Boat Chutes
Denver, CO. 1983-1987.
Designed and model-tested safety improvements installed in the Platte River-3rd Avenue Dam boating bypass structures.