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Gary Lacy
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Gary Lacy
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Manchester's Whitewater Park
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Siloam Kayak Park 2016 video
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We're Hiring!
Recreation Engineering and Planning (REP) is looking for a design engineer to join our small team. Please open the file below to view the...

Our Salida Whitewater Park on Fox News!
Our whitewater park in Salida, CO was recently featured on Fox News. The video tells the story of how the whitewater park transformed...

REP's Harvie Passage project wins two awards from the Consulting Engineers of Alberta!
REP and project partners are awarded two Showcase Awards, an Award of Excellence for Community Development and the Award of Merit for the...

REP's Project in Longmont, CO Wins Sustainability Award
StartFragment'The first two completed reaches of the City of Longmont’s Resilient St. Vrain project have been selected as the 2018 winner...

University of Wisconsin Quantifies the Economic Impacts of our Project in Stoughton.
Catching Up: Proposed whitewater park in Stoughton could create millions in spending from users Logan Wroge | Wisconsin State Journal Oct...

Best of Boulder 2018!
We are excited to announce our most recent award... 2018's best engineering service of Boulder!

REP's Longmont Project Opening Spring 2019
Longmont officials, kayaking enthusiasts eager for opening of nature area Dickens Farm will provide first-of-its-kind access to St. Vrain...

REP's River Access Improvements in San Marcos, TX Appear in Habitat Conservation Newsletter
November-December 2017 EAHCP Newsletter With tens of thousands of San Marcos River enthusiasts enjoying the cool flow of its waters each...

Canoe and Kayak Magazine highlights best whitewater parks

Video: REP's Project in Charles City, Iowa is Getting Some Attention
Paddling Iowa: Destroyed Dams To Whitewater Parks By GearJunkie Watch

Testing the low water channel at REP's project in Calgary was a hit! The park will open to the p
Video: Take a test drive on the Bow River’s Harvie Passage | Calgary Herald[if lt IE 8]> <link rel='stylesheet'...

4 REP project towns are in Outside Magazine's best of 2017... Salida, Dayton, Missoula, Reno
Presenting the best burgs on the planet To put together our list of the best towns ever, we scoured more than three decades of coverage...

Grand opening of our project 7 years in the making in Dayton, OH
Dayton’s $4M River Run offers chance ‘to reconnect with the river’ Under heavy clouds and an onslaught of rain, community leaders...

REP Designed Project Named Finalist for the Best Public Improvement of the Texas Downtown Associatio
BELTON | The Nolan Creek Project in Downtown Belton has been named named a finalist in the Best Public Improvement Program category of...

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